
version 1.00


A Program for Detecting Autosomal Marker Mendelian Incompatibilities in Pedigree Data

Author: Christine Couillault


PedAgree detects autosomal marker incompatibilities. PedAgree needs only pedigree file and doesn't need locus file. The pedigree file have a very strict format because PedAgree need to distinguish markers from other variables. The pedigree file must have the following linkage format :

pedigree ident father mother sex variable1 variable2 ...

Each field must be separated by a tab. Variables can be markers, qualitative or quantitative traits. Marker information must be considered as a field and each allele must be separed by at least a blank. The maximum number of variables in pedigree file is 100, and the maximum size of a record is 1060 characters.

  • Pedigree, ident, father and mother can be a string (maximum number of characters is 15).
  • sex must be 1 (male) or 2 (female).
  • Markers alleles must be numbered alleles (integers between 0 and 160).

Alleles don't need to be recoded. But sometimes, the number of alleles can have a influence on the execution rapidity. If a marker have fewer 160 alleles and if maximum allele number is 160, you must recode alleles.

Inbreeding loops are treated.

Command: PedAgree < file > [ n ] [ > outputfile ]

  • file: pedigree file
  • [ n ] : optional. n is the maximum number of parental genotypes. Default is 256. n must be larger than 32.
  • [ > outputfile ] : optional. to have results on a file and not on screen.

PedAgree uses assembler. A marker with two alleles 4 and 7 is encoding like this:

codage des allèles dans PedAgree

Algoritm uses logical functions

more complete documentation

Run time

The rapidity of PedAgree has been compared with unknown (fastlink 4.1P) using Ceph and ECRAF data.

Families PedAgree Unknown
Ceph data 5.08 s 572.02 s (9 min 1/2)
Ecraf data 2.69 s 83.01 s (1 min 23)

PedAgree is significantly faster

Tables with run time:


Operating System
560 Ko
 $ tar -zxvf  Linux_PedAgree.tar.gz


I would like to thank Martin Farcy for his help on C++ programmation,
Guy Monjoly for computer maintenance and continuing support,
Laurent Abel (INSERM U 550, Paris) and Alain Dessein (INSERM U 399, Marseille) for kindly providing data to test PedAgree,
Charles Auffray, Bertrand Bed'hom, Sylvie Bortoli, Eric Eveno, Régine Mariage-Samson from CNRS FRE 2571.
Special thanks to Anne Camus, Frederic Tores and Scoot Wade.